Water Management
At MMG, water plays a crucial role in our mining and extraction processes. Ensuring a reliable and efficient water supply is essential for consistent operational performance. We actively monitor both the quantity and quality of water we use and discharge. Additionally, we are acutely aware of the importance of water resources for maintaining environmental ecosystems and supporting surrounding communities.
In alignment with the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) Position Statement on water stewardship, we support initiatives that promote responsible water use, effective catchment management and contribute to improved water security and sanitation for our employees and surrounding communities. We have a company-wide objective to effectively manage our water intake, inventory and discharge to minimise our impacts on other users within the catchment, including upstream and downstream communities and the environment.
Our water management strategies vary based on site-specific requirements. Some of our operations are located in areas with high seasonal rainfall and abundant water resources, and others are located in areas where securing water can be more challenging. Targets tailored to site-specific requirements and risks are set against these objectives.
We uphold commitments to apply strong transparent water governance, manage water at our operations effectively and efficiently, and collaborate with our communities to achieve responsible and sustainable water use.
MMG reports water inputs, outputs and diversions in line with the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) Water Accounting Framework.
MMG does not use seawater at any of its operations. It also does not operate in any areas with water stress, and where water stress is a risk there are plans in place to manage this. For example, Dugald River water purchase is based on water availability, so if there is stress, we do not receive water.
Information on our water performance and case studies can be found in our Sustainability Reports and on wemineforprogress.com.