Media Enquiries -
Somsavath Phanthady
Communications Superintendent
MMG LXML SeponT +856 21 268 407
M +856 20 2221 2632
E somsavath.phanthady@mmg.com
MMG LXML Sepon, the copper and gold mine in Savannakhet Province, organised road traffic safety awareness sessions in Vilabouly District on 5 and 7 April. Hundreds of people from the district participated in the campaign, which aimed to encourage communities around the mine to celebrate Lao New Year safely.
Motorcycle helmets and t-shirts with the Lao version of the slogan ‘Don’t drink and drive’ were given to participants as prizes.
Improvements in road conditions, and increasing economic activity in the communities around the mine, have increased the potential for accidents. In addition to conducting regular road safety awareness activities, the company has taken a number of steps to reduce the potential for accidents at the entrance to the mine, on the roads used by heavy mining vehicles, and in areas of the mine site where there are people and vehicles or equipment.
“This community road safety campaign is focused on the three critical days of the Lao New Year, when road accidents are more likely to happen than at any time of the year,” said Mr Sisomphone Phanpadith, Team Leader Stakeholder Engagement Relations for the mine. “We want to send people the message that they should drive slowly, pay attention to traffic rules, and not drive when they are drunk.”
In the lead up to the campaign, MMG LXML Sepon trained 50 student volunteers in safe road use, so that they could help conduct the road safety awareness activities. The volunteers were from the traffic police, Lao Youth Union and other relevant district offices.
The mine is planning to train more student volunteers, and to assist the district with encouraging motorists to obtain driving licenses.
Safety is one of the core values of MMG LXML Sepon and employees are encouraged to ‘take safety home’ to their families and communities.

Sepon mine and student volunteers in Vilabouly district taking their safety messages on the road