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MMG Rosebery provides further feedback to the community

MMG is continuing to provide feedback to the Rosebery community on results of its environmental sampling program. Earlier this month MMG provided the community with a progress report on work to date, focusing on soil sampling undertaken as part of the program.

Today MMG commenced meetings with residents to take them through the individual results of soil testing undertaken on their properties.

MMG Rosebery General Manager John Lamb said that generally the results from the program were consistent with previous work undertaken in 2008/09 by the EPA which led to the conclusion there was no health risk in Rosebery.

MMG took soil samples from more than 100 houses in Rosebery with several samples at each property so there is a lot of information to digest and to feed back to residents.

“We are pleased to provide regular feedback on the soil sampling component of the program to residents, but there is a lot more work to be done before we will know with confidence what the true status of the Rosebery environment is,” he said.

“Starting today, we will visit each resident who participated in the program over the coming month to discuss the results for their property,” said Mr Lamb.

MMG will visit each resident that participated in the program and deliver a letter that describes the results for their property. 

“Community feedback so far has been really positive with residents pleased that we have taken such comprehensive steps to provide them with reliable information around this issue.”

MMG has also conducted a bio-monitoring program of its workforce as well as any local family members who volunteered. 

“The workforce was keen for this program to be run and keen to participate in it as they too wanted to understand the situation better,” said Mr Lamb. 

“We have conducted more than 400 tests and expect the results of these to be available during April.  While the bio-monitoring program is primarily an occupational exposure test, we are conducting a very comprehensive sampling program which will significantly add to the knowledge we have regarding the Rosebery environment,” he said.

Subject to privacy and confidentiality constraints, information collected is being provided to the Rosebery Community Reference Group on Environmental Health Risk, which comprises the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services, the EPA, Work Standards Tasmania, the AWU, MMG, a number of technical experts, and community representatives.

“It is this Group which is tasked with coordinating the investigation into environmental health risk in Rosebery and we will be working very closely with them to provide them with information to progress this issue,” Mr Lamb said.

Media enquiries:
Sally Cox
Communications Manager
T 61 3 9288 0850 / 61 417 144 524

