Home / Media Release / MMG provides post-flood assistance to Vilabouly

MMG provides post-flood assistance to Vilabouly

MMG has commenced distributing rice and blankets to villagers in Vilabouly as part of a rapid response to the difficult weather conditions in the area this year.

Vilabouly suffered from drought during the early planting season followed by flood.

The difficult climate this year has been devastating for farmers and MMG has chosen to respond with assistance aimed to help families through the winter period.

“We would like to thank MMG LXML Sepon for their concern about people in Vilabouly district, and we are very grateful for this emergency relief from the company. This assistance will enable them to get through this difficult period,“ said Vilabouly District Vice Governor Sathiane Sidavone.

“Vilabouly continues to be a district which relies heavily on agricultural production, despite the mining activity at Sepon. This leaves the district economically vulnerable when faced with these challenges. MMG LXML Sepon is part of the community and is glad it can play a role in reducing these hardships” said Frank Reimann, Senior Manager Social License and Sustainability.

MMG is pleased to be able to assist with relief efforts which will include dispersal of 300 tonnes of rice, and the provision of 12,000 blankets and jackets throughout the district.  The tolal value of the relief effort is approximately US$420,000.

Special focus will be given to poor families and to those particularly affected by the combination of flood and drought throughout the district.

The relief effort has been coordinated and administered in partnership with local government.

This year’s flood affected 22 out of 73 villages in Vilabouly district and it partly damaged more than 1,000ha out of 4,238ha farmland in Vilabouly.

The flood was caused by the increased water levels of Sepon and Se Bang Hiang rivers. The district estimated the damage was about 3 billion kip according to Mr Sathiane, Vilabouly District Vice Governor .

Mr Sathiane said to help those affected, the district has asked for 10,000kip from district government officials and two kilograms of rice from the people who are not affected by the flood.

“We also have some promised aid from the neighbouring districts in Savannakhet province,” he added.

Two boys from Sopkong village, Vilabouly district, Savannakhet province, sit in front of rice sacks ready to be distributed to the poor and those affected by the flood in Vilabouly district in early October 2010.

For further information:
Pasanngane Keoboualapha
Communications Team Leader
Tel: 856 21 261 283
Fax: 856 21 414 293
Mob: 856 020 2213 491

