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Sonepraseuth Niradsay
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MMG Lane Xang Mineral Limited (MMG LXML Sepon) donated 42,000,000 kip for restoration of Thad Nang Lao stupa, in Vilabouly District, Savannakhet Province.
On 16 January 2018 at Savannakhet Administration Office, Mr Saman Aneka, Managing Director and Manager Stakeholder Relations MMG LXML Sepon handed 42,000,000 kip to Mr Khamphoun Touphaitoune, Vice Governor of Savannakhet Province. The event was witnessed by senior officials and LXML representatives.
“I am very proud of this contribution to preserve the most valuable historical heritage of our host community in Vilabouly District” said Mr Saman Aneka, Managing Director and Stakeholder Relations, MMG LXML Sepon. “This shows the company’s commitment to preserve cultural heritage for the next generation of Lao PDR.”
In October 2017, MMG LXML Sepon supported US$53,000 to Vilabouly Cultural Centre to increase exhibition space. The new facility extends Vilabouly’s existing cultural centre built with LXML’s support of approximately US$ 150,000 in 2013, bringing the total investment to over $200,000.
The Thad Nang Lao Stupa has a long history to the Lao nation and Sepon host district’s communities. The settlement of the stupa dates back to the reign of King Anouvong Maharaj at around 1825. It is considered one of the most valuable assets of Savannakhet as well as our Sepon mine communities.
Over hundreds of years, Thad Nang Lao Stupa deteriorated and was affected by the Indochina War. Central, provincial and district governments and local people joined hands to contribute financial and material support to renovate this valuable historical asset.
As per the lunar calendar, Thad Nang Lao festival takes place each year on the third uprising moon day, which in 2018 was on 19 January.
H.E. Santhiphap Phomvihane, Savannakhet Provincial Governor, H.E. Dr Sinlavong Khoutphaitoun, Mayor of Vientiane Capital, Ministers, Mr Khamphoui Sibounheuang, Chief of Vilabouly District, and chiefs from fifteen districts in Savannakhet Province took part in fund raising activities and participated in the celebration.
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On 20 January 2018, Ms Lasma Siregar (fourth from left), Manager Community Relation and community relation teams attended alms giving ceremony at Thad Nang Lao Stupa festival.
Read the Media Release in Lao.