Media Enquiries -
Somsavath Phanthady
Communications Superintendent
MMG LXML SeponT +856 21 268 407
M +856 20 2221 2632
E somsavath.phanthady@mmg.com
MMG LXML Sepon, the copper and gold mine, is continuing efforts to increase road safety in Vilabouly district, Savannakhet province where the mine is located. An educational road safety campaign (for drivers and future drivers) is being conducted, and substantial investments in road improvement have been made.
So far this year, around 800 community members from seven villages have been involved in road safety activities conducted by the mine. In 2011, more than 5,000 local community members were reached by similar initiatives.
Awareness raising sessions provide information about traffic rules and safe driving, and use quizzes to test participants’ knowledge; motorcycle helmets are given as prizes.
“Our activities are designed to alert people, particularly those in high risk groups, of the dangers of driving carelessly or not following the road rules. We also stress the importance of wearing helmets and seatbelts,” said MMG LXML Sepon’s Community Awareness Coordinator, Mr Viengkham Khamvene.
The mine’s Community Awareness team is in the process of introducing a puppet show about road safety, having recently been trained by the National Performance Troupe.

Puppet show about road safetyBoungkham School at Vilabouly District
Road improvement works undertaken by the mine are also contributing to road safety. Over the last two years, Sepon has invested approximately US$3.8 million to improve road 28A, which links the district capital with Route 9 (the province’s main east-west highway). The work has involved widening the road, replacing bridges and repairing potholes, all of which contribute to making the road safer for both local communities and mine traffic.
In the busiest sections of the road, traffic calming measures such as speed bumps are also being introduced.
All road safety related activities are being undertaken in close cooperation with the Vilabouly District Governor’s office and the police.