MMG Lane Xang Minerals Limited Sepon (MMG LXML Sepon) achieved record copper production in 2013 at a new high of 90,030 tonnes, an increase of 4% over 2012 production levels.
Sepon’s copper plant is consistently operating above original design capacity of 65,000 tonnes of copper cathode per year. The plant was upgraded in 2011 to increase capacity to 80,000 tonnes.
“This record demonstrates the strong teamwork and improvement to procedures. Everyone worked very hard and can be extremely proud of this excellent result,” said General Manager Rick Watsford.
Lao employees are continuing to assume higher leadership roles. This has been achieved through participation in skills development to undertake these roles.
“In 2014, safety will continue to be our principal value. Through our focus on safety we expect to deliver further productivity improvements. This will further enable MMG LXML Sepon to continue to earn the privilege to continue to grow. Achieving this will add to our already significant status as a development partner and contributor to progress and improved living standards in Lao PDR,” added Rick Watsford.
Since production commenced in 2003, MMG LXML Sepon has paid over one billion dollars to the Lao Government in taxes and royalties, making the company the largest taxpayer in the country.
In addition, MMG LXML Sepon has invested over five million dollars through the Sepon trust fund in community development programs in Vilabouly District.

MMG LXML Sepon employees celebrate the achievement of producing 90,030 tonnes of copper in 2013 (Photo MMG)