Media Enquiries -
Sonepraseuth Niradsay
Superintendent – PR & Site Communications
T +856 21 268 408
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E sonepraseuth.niradsay@mmg.com
On 12 January 2018, MMG LXML Sepon (LXML) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) to support capacity building and establish an Environmental Management Unit (EMU) in Vilabouly District, Savannakhet Province.
The objective of the partnership is to enhance the environment ministry’s capacity in environmental management across the resources sector. Government officials assigned to the EMU will participate in capacity building programs related to environmental management at Sepon and apply this experience and knowledge towards monitoring other mining sites in the Lao PDR.
Since Sepon mine commenced operations in 2003, LXML has consistently proven its credentials as a leading example of excellence in environmental management and application of international standards in Lao PDR, and was duly awarded A+ status by the Ministry of Energy and Mines.
The MoU was signed by Mr Saman Aneka, MMG LXML Sepon Managing Director and Stakeholder Relations Manager and Mr Ratsamy Vorarath, Deputy Director General, Department of Natural Resources and Environment Inspection, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
“As Lao PDR integrates regionally and internationally, our capacity to ensure sustainable environmental management in the mining sector becomes even more crucial,” said Mr Ratsamy Vorarath, Deputy Director General, Department of Natural Resources and Environment Inspection, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. “I am confident that cooperation will ensure we have the required experience in environmental management and monitoring during mining operations and post closure”.
“At MMG we mine for progress. We do this by ensuring our operations meet international standards by contributing to human resource development in our host community” said Mr Saman Aneka, Managing Director and Stakeholder Relations Manager, MMG LXML Sepon. “By partnering with MONRE our objective is to ensure nearly 40,000 villagers in Vilaboulyare protected, aware of safeguards, and supportive of our operations.”
MMG LXML Sepon is a member of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), an international organisation bringing together 25 mining and metals companies dedicated to a safe, fair, and sustainable mining industry.
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Mr Ratsamy Vorarath, Deputy Director General, Department of Natural Resources and Environment Inspection, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (left) and Mr Saman Aneka, MMG LXML Sepon Managing Director and Stakeholder Relations Manager (right) signed the MoU on 12 January 2018 at Lao Plaza Hotel, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR.
Read the Media Release in Lao.