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Golden Grove achieves quarterly copper mining record

MMG Golden Grove has recorded a quarterly copper mining record in the first quarter 2013 following the continuation of mining from the recently commissioned copper oxide open pit.

Copper ore mined increased 22% compared to the previous quarter, while zinc ore mined decreased 3% due to the current mine plan favouring copper ore.

Despite records in ore mined, total overall production was lower following production records achieved in the previous quarter.  Copper in copper concentrate production was 20% lower compared to the fourth quarter 2012 due to slower than expected ramp-up of processing copper oxide ore from the new open pit.

Golden Grove General Manager Pierre Malan said a program of improvement works to the processing plant are designed to sustain higher throughput rates and recovery of the open pit copper oxide, which will assist the mine to maximise its 2013 production.

“The program of improvement works have included significant plant upgrades to the reagent delivery infrastructure and the flotation circuit, which were undertaken during 2012,” Mr Malan said.

“Further improvements have been implemented throughout the first quarter of 2013 including enhancements to the reagent dosage of NaHS and CMC leading to improved copper recovery, as well as the improved performance of the dewatering circuit.  The program is already delivering improved results and we expect to realise its full benefits during the remainder of 2013.”

Due to the delays experienced in the commissioning of the copper oxide circuit in the processing plant MMG has revised Golden Grove’s annual guidance of copper and now expects to produce 30,000–35,000 tonnes of copper in copper concentrate at an unchanged average C1 cost of US$2.80–US$3.10 / lb. However, it maintains annual guidance of 17,000–20,000 tonnes of zinc in zinc concentrate at an average cost of US$0.45–US$0.55/lb in 2013.

For further information please refer to the full MMG Limited First Quarter Production Report 2013.


MMG Golden Grove

Golden Grove is an underground and open pit base and precious metals mine located in Western Australia’s Mid West.

It is located approximately 450 kilometres north-east of Perth and 280 kilometres east of Geraldton.

Golden Grove comprises the Scuddles and Gossan Hill mines and surface processing operations.

Golden Grove commenced open pit operations above Gossan Hill in January 2012. Over its life, the copper open pit will produce approximately 235,000 tonnes of copper concentrate containing 59,600 tonnes of copper metal in concentrate at 25% copper.

Golden Grove produces concentrates of zinc, copper and high precious metals (HPM), which are exported to smelters in China, Korea, Japan, India and Thailand, via the Port of Geraldton.

