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MMG releases 2016 Sustainability Report


MMG Limited (MMG) is pleased to release its eighth annual Sustainability Report, covering the company’s performance for the year ended 31 December 2016.

The report outlines strong progress towards meeting our sustainability targets.

Chief Executive Officer Jerry Jiao acknowledged the great work of his predecessor Andrew Michelmore on sustainability: “I look forward to building on his legacy in terms of operating and social performance, health, safety and environmental stewardship.”

Key highlights from 2016 include:

  • A strong reduction in our injury rates across the organisation, with total recordable injury frequency of 1.90 per million hours worked in 2016 representing an average 9.6% year-on-year reduction since the end of 2012.
  • We committed another US$1.39 million to a second phase of the 1000 Day Project, our partnership with the Lao Ministry of Health, UNICEF and the Lao Women’s Union to improve childhood nutrition.
  • We successfully achieved commercial production at our Las Bambas copper mine in Peru, and continued to deliver significant local benefits through infrastructure upgrades, employment, and business and social development.
  • We processed the final ore at Century mine in Queensland and identified opportunities to extend the economic life of assets associated with the mine.

The 2016 report was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative’s 2013 ‘Core’ Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G4) and Mining and Metals Sector Disclosure Guidelines.

For more information please download MMG’s 2016 Sustainability Report.
