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DRC Mining Code Signed

  • Media Enquiries
    • Brent Walsh
      Group Manager Strategy and Investor Relations
      T +613 9284 4170
      M +614 3310 8120
      E Brent.Walsh@mmg.com

    • Maggie Qin
      Group Manager China Relations
      +613 9288 0818
      +61 4114 65468

The President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) promulgated the law updating the 2002 National Mining Code in Kinshasa on 09 March.

During over four years of engagement with DRC Government and civil society, MMG along with other mining companies, have urged the DRC Government toward an outcome of the mining code review that will preserve the investment climate for the mining sector and offer sustainable benefits for all stakeholders.

These concerns were raised in a meeting between His Excellency, DRC President, Joseph Kabila, key Government officials and mining industry executives in Kinshasa last week.

The new Mining Code does not reflect the industry consensus of the changes that were necessary, however MMG acknowledges the commitment of the President that industry concerns will be responded to in the development of the new mining regulations, to be adopted by the Government. The commitment to dialogue with impacted companies regarding the new mining regulations and application of the new Mining Code is welcomed.

While uncertainty remains regarding the supporting regulations and application of many aspects of the new mining code, the changes in law will take effect immediately.

MMG is committed to working with the DRC Government on the effective implementation of these broad-reaching measures. 

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