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Chief Financial Officer resignation

MMG today announced the resignation of Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director, Mr David Lamont, to take up a role as CFO of an ASX listed company.

MMG Chief Executive Office, Mr Andrew Michelmore, paid tribute to Mr Lamont’s financial leadership at MMG over the past five years.

“The Board and Executive Committee thank David for his professionalism and commitment. He has made a significant contribution to the business from its formation as Minerals and Metals Group, through our listing in Hong Kong, to the Las Bambas acquisition and setting MMG on a growth trajectory,” Mr Michelmore said.

“During his time David has had a wide range of responsibilities including Commercial and Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Project Delivery and Exploration. He has been offered a great opportunity and leaves with our best wishes,” he said.

Mr Lamont has agreed to a comprehensive handover while a decision on his replacement is made.

The recruitment process for a CFO will now commence.

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